
Series of sculptural objects, photographs on plexiglass. I have used motives of trees and branches for years. They are always changing, it is always possible to change them, and there is an endless variation to it. I have discovered a forest behind the trees, I wanted to create something threedimentional, to give it a volume. I have played around an illusion of volume and transparency for years and I will probably never stop.

I produce these cubes in different sizes and colors, and they are sold through three different galleries in Norway. They are made by hand, each photograph is unique. Until now I have been making each photograph on lithographic film manually in the darkroom, but recently I turned over to a computer print, as it is much easier and cheaper to make. Quality of printers has improved so much during the last years that just a few experts can see the difference. So now I make computer prints on transparencies with a laser printer that has long lasting pigments. Next I mount them between two thin sheets of plexiglass and finally they are set together in several layers.

There are several different motives that are produced in different colors in sizes 12, 15, 20 and 25 cm. They can also be made bigger by special order.

12 cm: 1150 NOK (130 € / 180 $)
15 cm: 1400 NOK (160 € / 220 $)
20 cm: 2500 NOK (300 € / 390 $)
25 cm: 3000 NOK (340 € / 470 $)